
This section covers the basics of how to download and install DMagic.

Installing from source

Install from Anaconda > python3.9

Create and activate a dedicated conda environment:

(base) $ conda create --name dm python=3.9
(base) $ conda activate dm
(dm) $

Clone the DMagic repository

(dm) $ git clone DMagic

Install DMagic:

(dm) $ cd DMagic
(dm) $ pip install .

Install all packages listed in the env/requirements.txt file:

(dm) $ conda install pytz
(dm) $ conda install requests
(dm) $ pip install pyepics

Test the installation

(dm) $ dmagic -h
usage: dmagic [-h] [--config FILE]  ...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --config FILE  File name of configuration


    init         Create configuration file
    show         Show user and experiment info from the APS schedule
    tag          Update user info EPICS PVs with info from the APS schedule


To run DMagic you need to set the beamline name as defined in the APS scheduling system, and the user info PVs where to store the information retrieved from the scheduling system. If you are using tomoScan these are provided in the beamline specific section user information section.

Once you have this information you can update the DMagic configuration i.e. the name of your beamline and the IOC prefix where the PVs are stored at runtime using the –beamline and –tomoscan-prefix options. For more info:

(dm) $ dmagic show -h
usage: dmagic show [-h] [--beamline BEAMLINE] [--set SET] [--tomoscan-prefix TOMOSCAN_PREFIX] [--url URL] [--config FILE] [--verbose]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --beamline BEAMLINE   beamline name as defined at, e.g. 2-BM-A,B or 7-BM-B or 32-ID-B,C (default: 7-BM-B)
  --set SET             Number of +/- number days for the current date. Used for setting user info for past/future user groups (default: 0)
  --tomoscan-prefix TOMOSCAN_PREFIX
                        The tomoscan prefix, i.e.'7bmb1:' or '2bma:TomoScan:' (default: 7bmb1:)
  --url URL             URL address of the scheduling system REST API' (default:
  --config FILE         File name of configuration (default: /Users/decarlo/dmagic.conf)
  --verbose             Verbose output (default: True)

If you are not running tomoScan look at the EPICS tools section below.

EPICS tools

If you are not running tomoScan:

dbLoadRecords("$(TOP)/experimentInfo.db", "P=32idcTXM:")
medm screen


dmagic is constantly updated to include new features. To update your locally installed version:

(dm) $ cd dmagic
(dm) $ git pull
(dm) $ pip install .


Install the following package:

$ pip install pyepics
$ pip install pytz
$ conda install decorator
$ conda install numpy


If required edit your .cshrc or .bashrc to set PYEPICS_LIBCA: Example: setenv PYEPICS_LIBCA /APSshare/epics/extensions-base/